Lucas Chitolina


💣Not Learning New Things at Work is Destroying Your Career

💣Not Learning New Things at Work is Destroying Your Career

Goals with this article In this article, I want to focus on these points: Explain the...

6/4/20244 min read
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43 reactions7 comments2428 views
What Months of Failing in My Habits Taught Me

What Months of Failing in My Habits Taught Me

Creating a habit routine where you fail more than you succeed is the best way to your goals, although...

5/2/20246 min read
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22 reactions6 comments439 views
What Changes When Your Code Impacts Thousands of People? 🤯

What Changes When Your Code Impacts Thousands of People? 🤯


Introduction When you create an application, you have at least one user: yourself. That's...

4/26/20244 min read
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13 reactions0 comments58 views
I don't get the point of Golang - That's why I need help

I don't get the point of Golang - That's why I need help


Hello everyone, I'm back. The past few days were crazy at my work, so many complicated tasks needed...

3/5/20241 min read
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11 reactions14 comments1820 views
I've been using VIM for a Week - These Are My Impressions

I've been using VIM for a Week - These Are My Impressions


Since we are programmers, there are a lot of different things to learn. Some of these things are...

2/15/20244 min read
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68 reactions33 comments9032 views
My Approach to Learn Tailwind CSS and New Things

My Approach to Learn Tailwind CSS and New Things

(The inspiration for this came from a video by Theo: Your Goals Kinda Suck - LEVEL UP As A Developer...

2/3/20244 min read
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7 reactions2 comments574 views
Why It's Harder Than Ever to Learn Something New in 2024

Why It's Harder Than Ever to Learn Something New in 2024

Every day, a kind of paradox is perceived by people trying to learn something on the internet: the...

1/30/20244 min read
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85 reactions23 comments5126 views